All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on.

صفحة من مفكرة

قبل عدة ايام مضت  وافق التاريخ  تاريخ وفاة والدي رحمة الله عليه, سمعته الطيبة و تاريخه و اخلاقه  وتواضعه  تخجل منها الكلمات ولا تفيه حقه لا شعرا ولا نثرا, ما يبقى لي هنا هو فخري الصامت به اباً ناصحا ومرشداً معلما ومثالا يحتذى .
من اوراقه ورسائله هذه الفضلي عندي تركها في احدى مفكراته 

فقط كلمات بسيطة وسطور معدودة,  لو اردت يوما ان اترك رسالة  نصح لمن سيخلفني فلا افضل من هذه اقتبس منها

The Daily Corner

Post No:6   Wednesday 22 DEC 2010

After months of rest , hardly any changes happened at work , lots and lots of things to do,and I'm a little short of sleeping hours

The Daily Corner

Post No:5   Tuesday 14 DEC 2010

Maybe there is a million thing that Doesn't make sense to me, things that I fail to understand the logic behind; to name few of these they are things like  decaffeinated coffee , diesel engined BMW's ,internet social networking services and the list goes on.
The one that I can't run away from is reality TV ,I have to admit I never understood reality TV , it is just more fake than usual TV programs and yet they are hugely popular, believe me I tried to watch these show several times but never could watch for more then few minutes.

What i fail to understand why shall i care for someone try to act his his own self, i can get better performance from real people out there in real , not in Television , to not be misunderstood I must clarify that I don't say that people should stop watching something they find entertaining, I just say I never got it!

Hospital's smell

I spent the last few days between hospitals and clinics , it is the smell that I always hated, as everyone the smell sense is the one that bring back memories , in this case they are never good ones.
Anyway I'm glad that the situation is over now, in the this time i was away a lot has happened , I'm being back at work,, also the last parts i ordered from my workstation  arrived and maybe tomorrow I'll work on it inshallah , for now I'm spending few days at the farm enjoying the smell of kharoub trees and the fresh clean air of the woods and the valleys, It just make me feel alive again

The Daily Corner

Post No:4  DATE MONDAY 6 DEC 2010

It made me lough  

The Daily Corner

Post No:3  DATE SUNDAY 5 DEC 2010

This post is a little different then what came before, this time it is about something happened in a country named  Rwanda ,back in 1994 one of the worst massacres in the recent history toke place over there, and that I guess is a something everyone knows about
one side of that disaster is hardly told ,  these events were black mark in the record of humanity ,every one has turned his back to the country in crisis, well that maybe not totally true, there was a shining spot of light in the middle of the darkness , you may have seen the film Hotel Rwanda which try to introduce the viewer to these events, the fact the film has more of giving some more positive light on some part of the tragedy while ignoring the brightest parts of the efforts to save life

the story began when one little country in Europe go by the name of Belgium went following steps of it's neighbors and became a colonial power, as any other colonial aspiring force of the time they adopted the oldest trick of the book which is the ancient policy of divide and conquer.
the Belgians didn't face much of resistance yet they found it to their advantage to divide the local population according to the tribes system 
the two tribes that inhabited Rwanda  were the Huto and the Tutsi , but there was something else to bother the Belgians , there was a small minorty of muslims in the country , and as every christian colonial power did, it was this minorty that will suffer the most, while the proccese of converting the local population to christianty was going on was there also the encurgment of prosecuting the muslims with so much false claims being implanted in the minds of the newly converted Rwandans
time passed on and the trend of colonialism became an old fashion, the Belgians went home but they left bhind a ticking time bomb 
in 1994 the presedent of rwanda plan expolded , and the tutsi reles were balmed for it, this set in motion the dramatic rise of the raical hatered twoard the tutsi, and within few days the killing were in every street in the country 
at this point the scared tutsi population tried to escape, the first place was of course their local churches , but there was the shock, the preachers turned them away at best by telling the refugees that god no longer want them , other went so far to gather as much as possible or the women and children in their churches just to hand them to the killing huto mobs, there werr even stroies of presiets leading the killing groups in the streets, and even nuns participated in the kiling with ture enthuaism 
these were the events going on in Rwanda  during the massacers , but there was something else
the muslims of Rwanada , the prescuted minority with both Tutsi and Hutu were in it had their moment to stand up and say no
In musiqes there were the calles condming the killings, and as the minorty fellt more attached to their relegion then to racal defernces , it was told that if a muslims would go out and particepate in the the vilonce he will first has to renounce his religion , and no one did
The masques were open to receive those who seek refuge , also the houses of Muslims,  they never turned anyone away ,even with so little they have and so few they are,they showed that true courage is really is and they acted in the best way someone could imagen.
In Rwanda these days if someone went to a church he will be killed and if he went to a mosque he will live 
What happened after the war is another story, but in these days it was true test of what is false and what is right, only extreme test expose the real value of faith
I'm well knowledgeable about the great history of Islam and the history of my people , but when hear these stories I just feel more proud of being a Muslim


The Daily corner

Post No:2  DATE SATURDAY 5 DEC 2010

It's almost done,the final touches are being made to my new workstation,only awaiting the last part to be installed.

The Daily Corner

Post No:1  DATE SATURDAY 4 DEC 2010

Something about horses

The conventional wisdom says "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink"

Every one knows it's never about horses , my thought here is why do people have to act like horses, horses are horses just animal and they act accordingly but what excuse do humans have, you may wonder about it,for my side I no longer care.

The Daily corner

I have neglected this place for some time now, I admit it never grow up to my aspiration  at some point , but I guess the time of change has come! 

If some crazy Google searching formula throw you at my blog , then that by itself  is no reason to make it worse and bore you with uninteresting or outdated material

The big change will the daily corner  which will be a daily post I shall make to this blog, the content will vary in the daily corner, it may be short or it maybe long, it might be a picture or a video, I won't apply any standard or rule except that it has to be regular.

Beside the daily corner post , I will continue to use this blog as my own scrapbook and as such there will be other posts to be written.

Also for those who kept checking up my blog "I extend my thanks" you might noticed that I got the old theme back on after it was lost by my own clumsiness, I love this theme and I'm sure glad I could get it back

Thanks for taking reading this and it will be a pleasure to see you back at this page sometime soon.